About Personnel

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

New personnel records are created here, existing records are updated and the employees' transaction history can be viewed.  

Information stored on personnel records can include contact information, a picture, certifications for specialized training or qualifications to use specific inventory, whether they are a supervisor, notes, custom fields and file attachments.

Watch this video for an overview of managing personnel, references, tips, and best practices.

Entity ID

The unique alphanumeric identifier for the entity.

If you plan on using QR codes rather than barcodes, note that they are limited to alphanumeric 0–9, A–Z (upper-case only), space, $, %, *, +, -, ., /, :

Employee No.

The unique employee number. Up to 60 characters.

Last Name

The last name of the employee. Up to 60 characters.

First Name

The first name of the employee. Up to 60 characters.


The active box specifies whether or not the employee is eligible to perform transactions. If the box is checked the employee can perform transactions, if unchecked they cannot.


The employer, to be selected from the drop down menu.

If the employer is inactive, the personnel will be unavailable for transactions.

Visibility Location

The visibility location to be selected from the drop down menu.

Personnel images are displayed on the Issue / Return page when the entity is selected and when logging into the Kiosk.

Supported image formats are .gif, .png, .jpg, and .jpeg. Pictures are limited to a maximum size of 28.6MB.

When an employee leaves, make the personnel record inactive (uncheck the active box) in order to preserve the historical data but block any transactions under the personnel ID.
Supported image formats are .gif, .png, .jpg, and .jpeg
Related Reports
Personnel, Personnel Bar Codes, Personnel Certifications, Personnel QR Codes

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