Applying a License File

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

On-Premise subscribers must upload their license file which is sent by email when the subscription is renewed. If you have any questions about your subscription, contact your account manager.

  1. Click Utilities in the left side menu, then License Information.
  2. Click Choose File.
  3. Navigate to your saved license file to select it then click Open.
  4. Click to apply the license file.

Once you have applied a license file, log out. The changes will be visible on the next login.

Cloud subscribers will receive an email confirming that the license file has been uploaded when the subscription is renewed.

If your subscription has expired

Contact your account manager to renew your subscription. A new license will be sent to you by email.

  1. Click Apply License on the Login page.
  2. On the Apply License page, enter the Company and User Name.
  3. Select the license file.
    1. Click Choose File.
    2. Navigate to your saved license file to select it then click Open.
  4. Click Submit to apply the license file. You will now be able to log in.
  5. Confirm the information on the new license under Utilities > License Information.
See how to apply an expired license file for an expired subscription.

See also:

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