Using Calculate Min/Max to update Min Max values
As a prerequisite to updating your Minimum on Hand and Maximum on Hand values based on the suggested values from the Calculate Min/Max feature, you must have some transaction history for your inventory.
If you are starting out, or don't have sufficient usage or inventory turnover, Calculate Min/Max does not provide useful information.
- Use Calculate Min/Max to generate an XLSX file based on the parameters you select.
- Review the spreadsheet containing suggested Minimum and Maximum values. Modify these quantities if desired based on the data in the additional columns included at the right and your experience.
- Import this file as the Min Max template. Before importing, ensure the spreadsheet is correctly formatted:
- The first tab (MinMax) of the spreadsheet is displayed.
- No column headers have been altered.
- The cell data format for the columns shown on the Instructions tab have not been altered.
See also:
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