Using Calculate Min/Max to update Min Max values

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

As a prerequisite to updating your Minimum on Hand and Maximum on Hand values based on the suggested values from the Calculate Min/Max feature, you must have some transaction history for your inventory.

If you are starting out, or don't have sufficient usage or inventory turnover, Calculate Min/Max does not provide useful information.

  1. Use Calculate Min/Max to generate an XLSX file based on the parameters you select.
  2. Review the spreadsheet containing suggested Minimum and Maximum values. Modify these quantities if desired based on the data in the additional columns included at the right and your experience.
  3. Import this file as the Min Max template. Before importing, ensure the spreadsheet is correctly formatted:
  • The first tab (MinMax) of the spreadsheet is displayed.
  • No column headers have been altered.
  • The cell data format for the columns shown on the Instructions tab have not been altered.

See also:

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