Installing ToolHound 6 On-Premise

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Ensure your environment meets the prerequisites listed in the Technical Requirements before installing ToolHound 6.
For On Premise installations the update to version 6.2024.314.0 requires an update from .Net 6 to the .Net 8 Web Hosting Bundle. Either install the .Net 8 Web Hosting Bundle prior to applying the update patch or use the installer which includes the file. Note that IIS must be restarted after updating to the .Net 8 Web Hosting Bundle.
Installing the update without the .Net 8 Web Hosting Bundle will cause the site to fail to load.
  1. Download the installer file (ToolHound 6 Installer.exe) from the link provided to you by email.
  2. Run ToolHound 6 Installer.exe on the designated application server.
  3. Select the installation path to install the ToolHound 6 software. A default installation path is provided. Modify this path if required.
  4. Click the checkbox to agree to the license terms and conditions. Click Next.
  5. Enter the complete SQL connection string to connect to the designated SQL Server to be used with ToolHound 6.
When entering any slashes, always double them even if they did not appear that way in your SQL Server.
The SQL user must have permission to create a database, update the schema and stored procedures, as well as read, write and execute.
If your SQL Server is not configured with a valid certificate or the client does not trust this certificate, edit your connection string to add the parameter Encrypt=false. Learn more here.
Versions 6.2024.520.0 and later can use the Command Timeout parameter on the connection string to change the default 30 second time out when processing SQL commands. Learn more here.
  • Example for default SQL instance:
    • Server=[COMPUTER_NAME]; User ID=[USER_NAME]; Password=[PASSWORD]
  • Example for named SQL instance:
  • Example for Windows Authentication:
    • Server=[COMPUTER_NAME]; Trusted_Connection=True
If you aren't certain of the SQL Server name, launch SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) and view the Connect to Server dialog box.
  1. Click Next.
  2. Enter the Website hostname or IP address. Enter the Port only if not using the default port 80. This will be the URL/address the user will use to access the ToolHound 6 web site. See the examples below for hostname.
  1. Click Next.
  2. Click Finish when the installation is completed.

Testing the install

Confirm that you have completed the installation successfully by entering the host name and the port number into your browser address bar. If successful, the TH6 log in page should appear.

If you make a mistake in Steps 5 or 7 or change your mind after install, you can manually edit the appsettings.json file located in the installation folder selected in Step 3. Change the ToolHoundConnection or the Url section as required. If you configure your website for SSL, you should configure the Url appropriately.

"ConnectionStrings": {"ToolHoundConnection": "Server=[COMPUTER_NAME]\\[INSTANCE_NAME];User Id=[USER_NAME];Password=[PASSWORD]"},

"Url": {"ToolHound6.Api": "http://[FULL_URL]:[PORT]/"},

To configure any persistent messages to be displayed to all users when they log in, see About Message.

See also

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