About Employers

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Employers are required references on personnel records and can be your own organization, contractors or other companies who's employees will be issued assets from stocking locations. External rental rates are also set at the employers level.

This tab maintains general information of the employer.

Watch this video for an overview of managing personnel, references, tips, and best practices.

Fields on this tab include:

Employer No

A unique number assigned to an individual employer. This can be alphanumeric. Up to 100 characters.


The name of the organization. Up to 200 characters.


The highest location in the hierarchy applicable to all of the employer's personnel from the drop down list.


The primary contact for the employer. Up to 100 characters.

Contact Position

The title of the primary contact. Up to 100 characters.


The employers email address. Up to 100 alphanumeric characters.


The employer's primary phone number. Up to 60 characters.

Mobile Phone

The employers mobile phone number. Up to 60 characters.

Home Phone

The employers home phone number. Up to 60 characters.


The employers fax number. Up to 60 characters.


Checked by default. Indicates the whether the employer is available for transactions.

If the employer is inactive, the associated personnel will be unavailable for transactions.


The address of the organization.


The city of the organization. Up to 100 characters.


The country, chosen from the drop down menu.


The state or province. Up to 100 characters.

Postal Code

Zip or Postal code. Up to 40 characters.

User Field1

Any additional information. Up to 100 characters.

User Field2

Any additional information. Up to 100 characters.

User Field3

Any additional information. Up to 100 characters.

An employer record can not be deleted if it associated with a personnel record or has any active transactions. Deleted employer records can be viewed using the Recycle Bin and can be restored from there.
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