About Certifications

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Disambiguation: For certificate documents for service such as calibrations, see Service Tasks and Work Orders or Attachments.

Certifications are specialized training or qualifications essential to support safe work practices. Certifications can be assigned to both part numbers and personnel to ensure only personnel with the appropriate training will have access to the equipment. Each time a piece of inventory requiring a certification is issued, the personnel record is cross-referenced. When the personnel has the required certification, the transaction completes seamlessly. When the personnel does not have the required certification, or if the certification is expired, a warning is displayed. The tool crib operator then decides whether to issue the inventory.

This page is used to maintain the list of certifications and determine which require an expiry date.

Watch this video for an overview and walkthrough how to improve worker safety by using certifications to help avoid untrained or unqualified individuals having access to specialized tools & equipment.
Watch this video for an overview of managing personnel, references, tips, and best practices.

Fields on this tab include:


Displays the name of the certification. Up to 60 characters


Displays a unique description of the certification. Up to 200 characters.


Check this box if the certification requires an expiration date.

Certification expiration dates are stored on the Personnel Certifications tab. As certifications are renewed by the employee, update the expiration date.


Check this box to make the certification available to be used.

Related Reports
Certifications, Inventory Certifications, Personnel Certifications

Watch this video for an understanding of the different pick lists available and the types of data they contain. If you are importing inventory or personnel data, these values need to exist in the system first.

See also:

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