Adding Part Numbers

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

  1. Click Inventory in the left side menu bar and then click Part Numbers.
  2. Click  to add a new record.
  3. Enter the minimum required information: Part NumberDescriptionInventory Type and Visibility Location. For non-serialized inventory types, the Item ID is also required.
It is recommended to not use the underscore symbol ( _ ) in part numbers. Other special characters are supported ( ! # $ *@ - / )
  1. Optionally add a picture by clicking then selecting the image file.
  2. Add any additional information on the General tab.
  3. Click  to save the part number record.
    This ends the basic task of adding a new part number.

Supplementary information that might be used by your organization is entered in the following optional steps depending on the features or workflows used and add-on modules that are licensed.

  1. Click the Stocking Points tab
    1. Enter the Minimum and Maximum inventory levels for each stocking location to simplify provisioning, if desired.
    2. For bulk and consumable inventory types, enter the Bin Shelf where these items are stored.
  2. Click the Notes tab to add any comments.
  3. Click the Certifications tab to assign any specialized training needed to check out this inventory, if in use.
  4. Click Tasks to configure any preventative maintenance service tasks for serialized part numbers.
  5. Click  to save the additional changes to the part number record.
At any time add any attachments to the part number by clicking in the edit tool bar.

See also:

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