Creating a Transfer Request

  1. Click Locations in the left side menu bar and click Create Transfer Request.
  2. Enter information in the fields. The minimum required information is in red text.
  3. Click the Catalog tab.
  4. Either type a description and click Search or navigate using the Categories and subcategories to display a list of matching inventory.
  5. For each required item in the selection, type the Quantity and hit the Tab key.  They will be added to the grid in the Selected Items tab and a check mark will appear next to the item under the Selected column.
    Changing the Quantity on the Catalog tab after initially selecting a Quantity, will add that amount to the total on the Selected Items tab, not replace it.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for any additional items.
  7. Click the Selected Items tab.
  8. Make any required changes to the entries in the grid.
  • Edit the Quantity Required, if needed.
  • To delete an item, select and then click   from grid.
  1. Click to process.  A confirmation message shows the transfer requisition number generated.

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