Closing a PO Line Item

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

A purchase order line item can be closed to remove outstanding On Order quantities for a backordered part number. If the only remaining line is closed, this will close the entire Purchase Order. An entire Purchase Order can also be closed if it has been partially received.

  1. Look up the PO under Purchasing > Purchase Order.
  2. Select the Details tab.
  3. Click to check Closed on the line for the part number you wish to stop the purchasing process. Repeat for any additional lines.
An entire purchase order can also be closed if it has been approved or partially received. To do this, use the instructions above but select Closed on the purchase order's General tab.
  1. Click to save the status and remove the On Order quantities for all part numbers on this PO.
A purchase order line item cannot be reinstated or reopened once it is closed.

See also:

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