Approving a Purchase Order

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

If an approval process has not been defined for purchase orders, any PO set to Ready to Approve and saved will automatically be Approved.

If no approval process has defined for purchase orders,

  1. Look up the PO to approve under Purchasing > Purchase Order.
  2. Check Ready to Approve on the General tab.
  3. Click to save the approval status.

If one or more approval processes for purchase orders has been defined for your organization

  1. Ensure the user who must approve the purchase order is logged in.
  2. Look up the PO to approve under Purchasing > Purchase Order.
  3. Select the Approvals tab. The grid displays the list of approvers for the requisition with order of approval.
  4. Check Approved beside the user name. The Date Approved is updated with the current date.
  5. Click to save the approval status.

See also:

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