Adding an Approval Process

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

  1. Click Utilities in the left side menu and then click Approval Process.
  2. Click to add a new record.
  3. Define the approval process.
    1. Type an Approval Name to describe this process.
    2. Select the Document Type to be approved with this process.
    3. Select the Visibility effective for this process.
    To use the same approval process with different approvers at each stocking point, create multiple versions of the same Approval Process with each stocking point set as the Visibility.
    1. Set the Min Document value or Min Line Total if desired. Both values default to 0.
  4. Click under Approver to add an approver.
    1. Set the Order of this approval. This value will default to 0 if nothing is supplied. Multiple users with the same Order are alternate or "one of" approvers.
    2. Select the user in the Approver list.
  5. Repeat the previous step for each additional approval level or alternate approvers at the same level.
  6. Click to save the approval process record.

See also:

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