Purchasing Reports

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The available Purchasing reports are listed alphabetically below. Most frequently used reports are in bold.

Back Orders

Displays a list of items that are still on a PO but have not been received.

Columns in this report: P O N O, Created Date, Vendor, Location Name, Date Expected, Currency Name, Notes, Part No, Description, Vendor Part No, Manufacturer, Model, Cost Code, Qty Ordered, Qty Received, Balance, Cost, BalanceTotal, Rent.

Inco Terms

Displays a list of Inco terms that have been entered into the system.

Columns in this report: Inco Term, Description.

Payment Terms

Displays a list of payment terms that have been entered into the system.

Columns in this report: Payment Term, Description.

Purchase Orders

Displays receipts for each PO created.

Columns in this report: Purchase Order, Revision No., Date Created, Vendor (Vendor No, Vendor Name, Address), Location / Ship To (Name, Address, ShippingCity), Currency Code, Payment Term, INCO Term, Shipper, Buyer, Expected Date, Notes, Part No, Vendor Part No, Description, Manufacturer, Model, Cost Code Number, Qty Ordered, Unit of Measure, Cost, Total, Job, Sub Job, Freight, Insurance, Miscellaneous, Total (for PO).

Purchase Requisitions

Displays a list of purchase requisitions and the items on each one.

Columns in this report: Vendor, Part No, Description, Vendor Part No, Manufacturer, Model, Quantity Required, Unit of Measure, Cost, Total, Notes, PurchaseRequisitionNo, Location Name, UserID, Required Date, Notes.

Receiving Slip

Displays a list of inventory received with or without purchase orders.

Columns in this report: Location Name, Vendor, PO Number, Invoice Number, Notes, Receipt No, Received Date, Currency, Received By, Item ID, Serial Number, Part No, Description, Rental?, Lease?, Bin, Received (Qty), Unit, Conversion (Factor), Cost, Total

Return Codes

Displays a list of return codes that have been entered into the system.

Column in this report: Return Code

Return Slip

Displays return slips for any items that have been returned.

Columns in this report: Return No, Date, Invoice No, Vendor Name, Vendor Address, Location, Location Address, Part No, Description, Qty Returned, Unit of Measure, Cost, Reason.

See also:

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