About Issued Items on TH6 Mobile

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Issued Items is used to view all items currently issued to a specific entity or personnel and to email the list to the entity.

Right swipe on the row for an issued item will display an Info icon. Tap to launch the Item Lookup screen with details on the Item ID.
Tap at the top right to email the list of issued inventory to the entity.

Fields on this screen include:

Entity ID

Enter the ID of an Entity or Personnel that has tools issued to them.


Displays the description of the part or tool.

Inventory ID

Displays the unique ID of the part or tool.


Displays the quantity of the part or tool that is currently issued to the selected entity.

Part Number

Displays the part number of the part or tool.

Due Date

Displays the date the part or tool is scheduled to be returned, if defined on the issue.

See also:

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