Transaction Rental Reports

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The available Transaction Rental reports are listed alphabetically below. Most frequently used reports are in bold.


Displays accrued charges for all transaction rentals according to the supplied filters. Report title is Rental Charge. Statement-style portrait format.

Columns on this report: Current Date, Currency, Billing Location (Name, Address), Renting Entity (Entity ID, Personnel First Name, Personnel Last Name, Employer, Employer Address, Location Name, Location Bill To Address), Reference, Job, Sub Job, Cost Code, Part Number, Item ID, Description, Category, Quantity, Type, Idle?, Start Date, End Date, Initial Charge, Selling Price, Hours Qty, Hourly Rate, Days Qty, Daily Rate, Weeks Qty, Weekly Rate, Months Qty, Monthly Rate, Total.


Displays accrued charges for all transaction rentals according to the supplied filters. Best option for exporting to Excel.

Columns on this report: Location ID (Billing), Location Name (Billing), Entity ID, Entity Name, Part Number, Description, Item ID, Qty, Rental Status, Start Date, End Date, Initial Charge, Hours , Hourly, Days, Daily, Weeks, Weekly, Months, Monthly, Idle Rate, Minimum Charge, Maximum Charge, Selling Price, Total, Transaction No. Job, Sub Job, Cost Code, Work Order Number, Reference.

On Rent

Displays a list of all inventory on rent in the field.

Columns on this report: Transaction No, Billing Location, Entity ID, Entity Name, Last Billing Date, part Number, Description, Item ID, Qty, Rental Status, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Idle Hourly, Idle Daily, Idle Weekly, Idle Monthly, Total Rent, Job Number, Sub Job, Cost Code Number, Work Order No, Reference.

Rate Sheet

Displays the general parameters for the transaction rate sheet and rates for all part numbers included on the rate sheet. Usually filtered for a single rate sheet.

Columns on this report: Transaction Rate Sheet, Location Name, Currency Code, Days In Month, Calendar Month, Round Up to Full Period, Part Number, Description, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Idle Hourly, Idle Daily, Idle Weekly, Idle Monthly, Minimum Charge, Maximum Charge, Initial Charge, Selling Price.

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