Manually Retiring an Item

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Use this process to remove am in stock serialized item from availability. It will remain as a retired item and can be reinstated later on if it becomes available to issue.

  1. Click Inventory in the left side menu, then Retired Items.
  2. Click to add a new record. The Date will default to today.
  3. Select the Stocking Point of the item to be retired.
  4. Enter the Item ID to be retired. The Part Number, Description, and Inventory Type will be displayed. The Serial Number will be displayed if available.
Optionally, the Active flag can be removed at this point. If the item is later reinstated, it will need to be made Active again before it can be issued, serviced, or transferred.
  1. Select the new Inventory Status for the item. Only inventory statuses defined as Is Retired are available.
  2. Enter a reason in Notes.
  3. Click to finalize retiring the item.

See also:

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