Add a Picture to a Part Number

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The parts catalog used with Create Transaction Requisition, Create Purchase Requisition, and Create Transfer Request has an option to display the image for the part numbers. This is quite useful to ensure the correct inventory is requested. Add the images to the part number on the General tab of the Part Numbers page either when you are creating the part number or any time after the part is created.

Best practice is to use a lower resolution image or picture with a smaller file size to avoid any negative impact to performance. Images are limited to a maximum size of 28.6MB.
Supported image formats are .gif, .png, .jpg, and .jpeg

To add a picture to an existing part number manually:

  1. Lookup the part number.
  2. Click the large on the right of the Part Numbers page under the edit toolbar.
  3. Navigate to the appropriate image and select it then click Open.
  4. Click to save the change.

To change a picture on an existing part number:

  1. Lookup the part number.
  2. Click the image on the right of the Part Numbers page under the edit toolbar.
  3. Navigate to the replacement image and select it then click Open.
  4. Click to save the change.
To add pictures to different part numbers at once, consider importing them. See Data to Import

See also:

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