About the Recycle Bin

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Any deleted data for personnel, employers, part numbers, and serialized items can be recovered or permanently deleted from here.

Any data having associated history ore related data cannot be permanently deleted from the database by deleting it from the Recycle Bin.  
Part Numbers, Item IDs, Employer Nos, and Personnel IDs can be reused when a record is in the Recycle Bin. If a record in the Recycle Bin is restored, and another record was created with the same identifier, the restored record will be prefixed with !!! (three exclamation points).

Options on this page include:

Show ... entries

Displayed at the top left of the page, use this field to display the number of records per page. The default is 500 entries.


Displayed at the top right of the page, use this field to search for all records containing the value entered in the text box in any column in the grid. Filtered entries can be restored or deleted individually or as a group using Select All.

Select All

Check this option to select all records in the Recycle Bin grid before using either applicable toolbar option to restore ​or permanently delete ​.

Columns on this page include:

Contains the icons to restoreor permanently delete the record.


Contains the ID or Part Number and Name or Description for the record.


Contains the type of record. Possible values are Part Number, Serialized Item, Employer, or Personnel.

Deleted On

Displays the date on which the record was deleted.

Deleted By

Displays the name of the user who deleted the record.

See also:

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