About Notifications

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

This feature is used to create an email distribution list to advise appropriate parties when certain events take place. Notifications can be configured for multiple dollar values for the same document and event or different locations. Examples of uses for notifications include  the generation of certain documents above a specified cost or low inventory for high turnover items.  

Notifications can be combined with approvals to create a customized workflow process for your organization.

See this video for an overview of notifications and walkthroughs of adding standard and background notifications with the resulting emails.

Fields on this tab include:

Document Type

Select the type of the document from the drop down box. Available options are Transfer Request, Transfer, Transfer Receipt, Lost in Transit, Transaction, Transaction Requisition, Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order, Service Request, Work Order, Service Request, Part Numbers, and Serialized Inventory.

While Part Numbers and Serialized Inventory aren't documents, they have events that can be triggered. See About Background Notifications for more information.


Select the event from the drop down. The event is a change in state or an action. See Notifications Event List for all options.


Select the location from the drop down list to define the scope of visibility.

Min Document Total

Set the threshold currency value to trigger the notification, if required. When there are multiple notifications for the same event for different Minimum Document Totals, the notification profile with the closest value without exceeding the Minimum Document Total will be used.  

Include Originator

Check to include the user who created the document in the distribution list of the email notification.


Select fields from multiple tables to build the body of the email notification message. These fields will automatically be substituted with the details. The selected field is appended to the end of the text in the Notification. To insert fields at multiple points in the message, type the text up to the desired field then insert the field and continue entering text up to the next point to insert a field.  

The Fields list is not displayed for background notifications.


Enter the text, interspersed with Fields, to be included in the body of the email notification message.  This fully supports HTML and can contain formatted text or hyperlinks which can be added using the basic HTML editor or manually. A preview of the formatted message appears below the text box.

While background notifications do not support Fields, the notification text is still displayed in the email above the data.

Search User. Click to display a list of ToolHound users matching the visibility of the notification.  Select one or more users to receive the notification.

Users must have an email address saved to be sent a notification.

Email List

Enter other email addresses for people who do not have ToolHound user logins such as superintendents, project managers, vendors, or outside contractors. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.

Example: humphrey@mydomain.com, deigo@mydomain.com, ethelbert@yourdomain.com


Indicates whether the notification is in use. All new notifications are active by default.

  • To stop sending a notification, remove the Active flag and save.
  • To resume sending an inactive notification, check the Active flag and save.


Displays as checked for existing notifications where the combination of Document Type + Event are a background notification. Read only.

For On-Premise installations, mail settings must be in place to automatically send email. See Configuring Email. This does not apply to Cloud subscriptions as the email configuration is handled by ToolHound.
For large On-Premise databases or where there is a likelihood of a large number of records to be included in a notification, it's best practice to create multiple notifications at lower visibilities (such as the stocking location) rather than a single notification for your organization. This avoids potential timeouts when processing the notifications and makes the notification email more manageable.

See also:

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