About Work Orders

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Work Orders are part of the add-on Service module. A Work Order is used to record the history of maintenance on serialized inventory when details of each service such as dates and costs must be tracked and to ensure the required work is clear. Both scheduled service and emergency repairs can be recorded on a work order.

Work Orders can be created via a Service Request, using the Service Due feature, and by manually adding work orders on this page.  No matter which method is used to generate the work order, it can be viewed, edited, approved, and completed here.

Information stored on work order records include the general identifying data for the work order, the inventory item needing service, the original request for non-scheduled maintenance if applicable, notes on the work order and details for the service task.  For work completed in-house, record a list of required materials and tools, material and labor costs and approvals for the service. For maintenance completed by a third-party, record the vendor and associated charges. Attachments of any type can be associated at any time with the work order, such as invoices or certificates. Once the work order is carried out, completion information including readings, a description of work done, costs and reason for original failure can be recorded.

The minimum required information for a work order include the Type, Location, Status, Priority, Item ID and Task.

For work orders where the task has required tools or required materials,

  • All required inventory can be requisitioned by entering the Work Order No when creating the requisition.
  • Required inventory can be issued directly from an approved work order provided it has been assigned to a personnel entity.
Watch this video for walkthroughs of different possible workflows when using work orders.
Watch this video for an understanding of managing preventative maintenance and emergency repairs with the Service module.
Print or email a PDF version of the work order by clicking on the corresponding icon on the toolbar.

Common fields across all tabs include:

Work Order No

Work order numbers are automatically generated when new records are saved according to the document numbers definition for the item's location.  

Use Current Date & Time?

When adding a new work order, default to the current time. To use a different date, uncheck this flag and enter the Work Order Date and Time.

The Closed Date is set separately on the Completion tab.

Work Order Date

Displays the date the work order is requested.


Displays the time the work order is requested.

Location Name

The stocking location for the item ID requiring service. Only items having this stocking location will be available to add to the work order.

Item ID

Displays the ID of the serialized item requiring service. Only items having the same stocking location as the work order will be eligible to be added to the work order.

Part No

Displays the part number of the serialized item.


Displays the part number description for the item ID.


Displays the current work order status. Only requested statuses will be displayed when creating a new work order. Once the status is set to a closed state the work order can no longer be edited except for the Notes and Charges tabs.


The priority of the work order.

Ready to Approve

This flag is check if the work order is currently in a Ready to Approve state.

If no Approval Process has been configured for this stocking location, the work order will automatically be set to Approved. If an Approval Process has been configured, the Approvals tab will show a number indicating the approvals required before the work order will be set to Approved.


Displays checked if the work order is approved.

Related Reports
Work Order Bar Codes, Work Order QR Codes, Work Orders

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