About Purchase Requisitions

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Purchase requisitions are requests for inventory to be purchased. When purchase requisitions are approved, purchase orders are generated that will later be received. This feature is used to view, update, approve or cancel the purchase requisitions generated using Create Requisition. Less frequently it can also be used to create a purchase requisition. Purchase requisitions can be modified until they are approved, closed, or cancelled.

Information stored on a purchase requisition includes the entity requesting the inventory and the location for which it is being requested, other identifying information for the purchase requisition, any shipping instructions or notes and the list of selected inventory.

If there is no lead time to the purchase or if your organization has no requirement to use requisitions, start the purchasing process with a purchase order. You can create a purchase order manually or using the Reorder Worksheet.
When an approval process has been defined for purchase requisitions, a purchase requisition must be approved according to the defined approval process before it can be converted into a purchase order. Otherwise, the purchase requisition must simply be moved from the Ready to Approve to Approved state.

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Purchase Requisitions

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