Change Inventory Type is used to to change the inventory type assigned to a part number. Since the inventory type determines the behaviour of a part number and its eligibility for different types of actions, this impacts the part number's history and outstanding transactions and documents.
Once an inventory type has been changed, the Change Inventory Type document is shown on the part number's Transaction History tab.
Consider making the existing part number inactive and creating a different part number with the desired inventory type instead of using Change Inventory Type.
Change Inventory Type should be used with caution. Once the inventory type is changed, it cannot be undone.
The consequences of each inventory type change are below
Serialized to Consumable
First item ID becomes the Primary ID. All other item IDs become alternate IDs.
All service requirements and history are lost.
All outstanding transfers and purchase orders remain.
Any outstanding issues are no longer outstanding.
Transaction and Transfer Rate Sheets must be updated to reflect the new inventory type rates.
Transaction Rentals are ended.
Transfer Rentals are ended.
Serialized to Bulk
First item ID becomes the Primary ID. All other item IDs become alternate IDs.
All service requirements and history are lost.
All outstanding transfers, and purchase orders remain.
Any outstanding issues remain outstanding.
Transaction and Transfer Rate Sheets must be updated to reflect the new inventory type rates.
Serialized to Non Stock
First item ID becomes the Primary ID. All other item IDs become alternate IDs.
All service requirements and history are lost.
Unreceived transfers are closed.
All outstanding purchase orders remain.
Any outstanding issues are no longer outstanding.
Transaction Rate Sheets must be updated to reflect the new inventory type rates.
Transaction Rentals are ended.
Consumable to Bulk
Previous consumable issues are now outstanding.
Transaction and Transfer Rate Sheets must be updated to reflect the new inventory type rates.
Consumable to Non Stock
Unreceived transfers are closed.
Transaction Rate Sheets must be updated to reflect the new inventory type rates.
Consumable to Serialized
Not permitted.
Create a new serialized part number before creating a negative inventory adjustment to remove the QOH then make the consumable part inactive.
Bulk to Consumable
Previous issues are no longer outstanding.
Transaction and Transfer Rate Sheets must be updated to reflect the new inventory type rates.
Transaction and Transfer Rentals are ended.
Bulk to Non Stock
Previous issues are no longer outstanding.
Unreceived transfers are closed.
Transaction Rate Sheets must be updated to reflect the new inventory type rates.
Transaction and Transfer Rentals are ended.
Bulk to Serialized
Not permitted.
Create a new serialized part number before returning any outstanding issues, creating a negative inventory adjustment to remove the QOH then make the bulk part inactive.
Non Stock to Consumable
QOH must be added.
Minimum and Maximum values must be added for each stocking location if applicable.
Transfer Rate Sheets must be updated to reflect the new inventory type rates.
Non Stock to Bulk
Previous non stock issues are now outstanding.
QOH must be added.
Minimum and Maximum values must be added for each stocking location if applicable.
Transaction and Transfer Rate Sheets must be updated to reflect the new inventory type rates.
Non Stock to Serialized
Not permitted.
Create a new serialized part number then make the non-stock part inactive.