Items tab for Part Numbers

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The Items tab is visible only for part numbers with a serialized inventory type.  This tab displays a brief summary of each serialized item, its serial number, stocking point, storage bin, current status, and current location.

The grid can also be used to

  • View the details of an asset by clicking on an Item ID to launch the Serialized Item page.
  • Quickly add individual items by launching the Serialized Item page in Add mode already populated with the part number and inventory type information.

Fields on this tab include:

Item ID

Displays the Item ID of each Serialized item linked to the part number.

Serial Number

Displays the serial number of the serialized item.

Stocking Point

Displays the Stocking Location of the item owning the item and from where it can be issued.

Bin Shelf

Displays the bin / shelf storage information of the item, if defined.


Displays the current quantity on hand of the item.

Inventory Status

Displays the current inventory status for the item. Retired items are included in the list.

Current Entity

Displays the current location. For tools and equipment in the field, this is the entity (personnel or non-stocking location) to whom the item was checked out.

Last Issued

Displays the date the item was last issued. If the item has never been checked out, this will be blank.

See also:

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