Why am I missing rental charges?

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Not seeing the expected charges on reports for either Transaction Rental or Transfer Rental could be because the report dates don't include the date the charge was applied or the charges were never applied.

Keep in mind the rental setup must be completed before the transaction or transfer is created to start charging rent or to apply charges for sales. It is not possible to "fix" transactions or transfers once they've been created.

Transaction Rental

  • The part number wasn't on the rate sheet prior to the transaction being created.
  • The employer on non-stocking location not configured to be charged rent on the appropriate rate sheet prior to the transaction being created.
  • There were no rates on the rate sheet to generate a charge greater than 0.
  • The Partial Billing was run with a date after the end of the billing cycle.
Here's the quickest way to find out the date of the last Partial Billing
Open the Transaction Charges page. Select Partial in the Rental Status list then search. In the results popup window, click twice on the End Date column header to see the most recent Partial Billing charges at the top of the results list.

Transfer Rental

  • The part number wasn't on the rate sheet prior to the transfer from the point of origin being created.
  • The correct Billing Location wasn't specified on the transfer
  • The destination stocking location was not configured to be charged rent on the appropriate rate sheet prior to the transaction being created.
  • There were no rates on the rate sheet to generate a charge greater than 0.
  • The Partial Billing was run with a date after the end of the billing cycle.
Here's the quickest way to find out the date of the last Partial Billing
Open the Transfer Charges page. Select Partial in the Rental Status list then search. In the results popup window, click twice on the End Date column header to ensure the most recent Partial Billing charges at the top of the results list.

See also:

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