Details tab for Purchase Orders

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The Details tab is used to review purchase order line items before flagging the purchase order as being ready to approve. The information shown by default is populated by the Details popup window from the Create Requisition page if it was used to generate the PO.  

For POs created on this page, items can be added using at the top left of the tab. Items can be removed by using next to the item row.

Fields on this tab include:

Allow Adding Same Part No?

Check this box to allow entering multiple items of the same part number on the Purchase Order with different Costs.

Part Number

Displays the part number.


Displays the description of the part.

Qty Ordered

Enter the quantity of the part number ordered.

Qty Received

Displays the quantity received for the part number.


Displays the quantity outstanding for the part number. For lines that are not closed, this should be the difference between the Qty Ordered and Qty Received.


Enter the purchase price per purchase unit for the item.


Displays the total cost of the item(s) in that row.

Unit of Measure

Displays the purchase unit of measure. The default value is the Unit of Issue for the part number. If this is changed, be sure to use the correct Conversion Factor.


Displays the manufacturer on the part number.


Displays the model of the part.

Vendor Part No

Displays a part number assigned by the vendor from the part's Vendors tab.

Conversion Factor

Enter the conversion factor if the Purchase Unit is different from the Issue Unit. The default value is 1.

Example: There are four units in a box then the conversion factor is 4.


Check this box to indicate that the item is being rented or leased and not purchased.

Blanket Order Number

Displays the blanket order number with the vendor.

Cost Code

Displays the cost code if applicable for the sub job associated with the purchase order.


Check this box to close the purchase order line.

Add or view attachments related to the part specific to this line item.


Enter any comments for the line item.

On this page:

See also:

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