About Options Settings

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The Options tab of the Settings page contains basic system-wide configuration.

Default Currency Name

Select the default currency from the drop down list.

Multi Currency

Check this box to enable multiple currencies to be used on the system.

Pwd Expires In

Enter the number of days before a password must be changed. To set the password to never expire, do not enter a value or set this value to 0.

When the difference between today's date and the user's Password Last Modified Date is less than the number of days set, the user will not be able to log in. They must use the Forgot / Reset Password link to send a Reset Password link to the email address associated with the user. If the user does not have access to the email address, an administrator or other user must log in to change the password on the user's record.

Users can watch this video to see how to reset their password.

See also:

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