About Serialized Items

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Serialized items are unique assets, sometimes having serial numbers, that are tracked individually. Service and preventative maintenance can only be tracked for serialized inventory.  Each part number with the inventory type of serialized can have multiple serialized items.  

Information stored on serialized item records include the unique ID, any alternate IDs, general identifying data inherited from the part number, a list of contents in the case of a kit, purchase and rental information, notes and file attachments, the complete transaction history for the item and service requirements and history.

Fields on this tab include:

Primary ID

A unique number or identifier, often a barcode or RFID tag number, to differentiate it from other similar items. Supports up to 50 characters.

If you plan on using QR codes rather than barcodes, note that they are limited to alphanumeric 0–9, A–Z (upper-case only), space, $, %, *, +, -, ., /, :

Part Number

The part number for the item. Only part numbers with a serialized inventory type will be displayed. When a serialized item is displayed, click the Part Number hyperlink to view the associated part.

Inventory Status

The current status of the item. Not editable. The inventory status is updated by other documents and actions including transactions, transfers, manually retiring or reinstating.


The quantity on hand for this item. Possible values are only 1 (in stock or otherwise on hand) or 0 (issued, in transit, in a kit, or retired)


Active by default. If the item is not active, it is no longer available for transactions.


Indicates whether this item is used as a container to issue or return multiple components at one time. Will only display if Kit is checked off on the part number record. Not editable.

Stocking Point

The crib or warehouse that issues the item.


The description from the Part Number. Not editable.

Inventory Type

The inventory type from the Part Number. Not editable.


The picture from the Part Number. Not editable.

Related Reports
Inventory Bar Codes, Inventory QR Codes, Retired Assets, Serialized Inventory, Serialized Kit Content, Serialized Utilization

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