
Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Release Notes for version 6.2024.918.0

This is a partial list of enhancements and fixes included with this release.

* Includes minor patches 6.2024.530.0 and 6.2024.612.0.

For On Premise installations prior to 6.2024.314.0 this release requires an update from .Net 6 to the .Net 8 Web Hosting Bundle prior to applying the release if it has not already been done. Note that IIS must be restarted after updating to the .Net 8 Web Hosting Bundle. Use the Installer rather than the Patch as the .Net 8 update is included.
This release includes an update for the ToolHound Mobile app for Android only. Ensure your server is updated before updating your mobile device.

Enhancement Highlights


  • Users now has an Expiry Date. This date can be set in advance and will make the user inactive on the date entered to prevent logins.
  • Locations now has a Disable Transactions flag available for non-stocking locations to prevent issues, returns, and requisitions.
  • Work Orders can now be searched by Task. On a blank Work Order page, the Task list appears on the right, available to be used as a filter. When a work order is displayed, the Task is located on the usual Work to Do tab.
This release includes an update for the ToolHound Mobile app for Android only. iOS will not be updated at this point.
Once TH6 Mobile is installed, clear any locally cached data after logging in by tapping the stacked Menu icon then tapping About and tapping the trash bin in the upper right corner of the screen .
This version of TH6 Mobile does not support the CS108 RFID reader. If you are using the CS108 RFID reader, do not update your Mobile app. Continue to use the version currently installed.
  • Settings screen
    • is now divided into two tabs: General and Transactions.
    • now supports multiple new features for Transactions: Return to Home tab after saving; Email receipt after transaction; Make Due Date mandatory; Skip warning messages; Force scanning of bar code for Entity and Item; Do not show entity photo; and Do not show item image.
  • Requisitions
    • can now be copied by tapping on the toolbar when viewing the requisition.
    • now has an option to change the sort order from the default Requisition No to either Required Date (newest first) or Requested By.
  • Job and Sub Job lookups
    • now default to filtering by the code rather than the Number. Switch to filtering by the number by tapping on the toolbar.
    • now default to sorting by the code rather than the Number. Switch to sorting by the number by tapping on the toolbar.


  • Adjust Inventory now defaults the Cost to the part number's Average Cost for the Stocking Point.
  • Purchase Requisitions now retain part number details when copied using on the edit toolbar.
  • Create Count for a Count by Entity now displays the Entity ID and the dropdown list is searchable by entity ID, similar to Issue / Return.
  • Serialized kits now have a Clear Kit option on the Contents tab to remove all quantities in the kit and put them back in stock while retaining the requirements.
  • Notifications now
    • include a Background Notification checkbox controlled by the combination of Document Type and Event to indicate these types of notifications.
    • does not display the Fields list for background notifications.
  • Background notifications specifically now
    • include the subject prefix "ToolHound -" for consistency with scheduled reports.
    • includes the customizable Notifications text in the email body above the data.
  • All transfer functions now support non stock parts. This includes Create Transfer Request, Transfer Request, Transfer, and Receive Transfer in the browser and the Mobile app. The Transfer Rental module supports non stock parts on Transfer Rate Sheets, applying Sold charges, and manual charges can be created for non stock parts.
  • Transfers now includes a tab for items Lost in Transit.
  • Import Data
    • Transfers now support the transfer type.
    • Transfers has a new template.
  • Users now duplicates all non-unique fields when a record is repeated using .
  • Dashboards
    • now support a relative Date Range such as this "year", "last week", "yesterday", etc. to remove the need to reselect dates over time.
    • header information is now collapsed, showing only the dashboard name and range, to provide more space to the KPI panels. Click the dropdown to select a different dashboard or change the parameters.
  • Configure Dashboard
    • now supports the selection of a saved Advanced Filter when selecting a KPI based on a Report Type Query. This also applies the the selected report when run.
    • X Axis and Y Axis have been renamed to Horizontal Column and Vertical Column for clarity when dealing with non-Pie or Number chart types.
    Reporting Enhancements
    • Transaction Receipt Item ID column is now wider to prevent wrapping.
    • Transaction Requisition report now
      • supports an Advanced Filter for Category and Qty on Hand. Note: These apply to line items only so only parts matching the filter will appear on the report even if there are additional lines.
      • includes the Category and Qty On Hand in the Excel export.
    • Requisition Back Order report now
      • supports an Advanced Filter for Category and Qty on Hand. Note: These apply to line items only so only parts matching the filter will appear on the report even if there are additional lines.
      • includes the Category and Qty On Hand on all report outputs (preview, PDF, and Excel).
    • Serialized Inventory report now includes an advanced filter for Entity Type.
    • Low Inventory by Parent report now includes In Transit Outbound.
    • Transfer Request report now includes the Qty on Hand.
    • Packing Slip report for transfers now includes the Transfer Type.
    • Scheduled reports now supports modifying the report Parameter by selecting a previously-saved Advanced Filter to append to the Quick Filter entered when the report was scheduled.
  • Issue / Return now includes an option to set Billing Date Same as Transaction Date/Time to match Issue / Return in the browser.
  • Issued Items now
    • indicates if the item is a kit
    • includes a Kit Contents tab for items that are kits
    • indicates in which kit the item is stored if it is within a kit
    • supports toggling between items issued to the selected entity for the current stocking point (default) and all stocking points.
  • Personnel now includes a view-only Certifications tab.
  • Requisitions now have additional filtering options for Requested By and Required Date.
  • Pick Requisition (Transaction) now
    • includes an option to set Billing Date Same as Transaction Date/Time to match Issue / Return.
    • includes an option to fully pick all non-serialized items for a transaction req.
    • supports substitutes to match the browser.
  • Pick Request (Transfer) now
    • includes an option to set Billing Date Same as Transaction Date/Time to match Issue / Return.
    • includes an option to fully pick all non-serialized items for a transfer request.
    • supports substitutes to match the browser.
    • indicates when an item in not in the From (current) stocking location.
  • Change Item ID now
    • supports the serial number to search for the item.
    • displays the serial number in the lookup when searching for the item ID.
  • Register Item now displays the inventory type to support custom serialized inventory types.





Added paged personnel endpoint


Added personnel sync endpoint




Added QOH, Inventory Status ID and Current Entity ID to result


  • Transfers would not load properly when a transfer type was used.
  • When filtering with dates, all results were excluded for Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions, and Inventory Receipts.
  • Could not save transactions when doing an issue to a work order that does not have material on the issue and no materials were issued to the WO.
  • Kits
    • Serialized Kit Content report Advanced Filters were applied to both contents and kits.
    • Could not add non stock parts to kits.
    • Alternate IDs for serialized contents didn't work well.
  • Dashboards were not correctly reporting the number for Total Personnel.
  • Receive Inventory
    • permitted receiving into a different stocking location than on the PO.
    • would duplicate non-serialized items when clicking Receive Outstanding or Save multiple times.
  • Create Return was not handling conversion factors as expected.
  • Import Data Receive Inventory
    • template has been updated to correct a typo in the instructions.
    • permitted receiving into a different stocking location than on the PO.
  • Counts were not
    • displaying the Cost on the Final tab for closed counts and on the Discrepancies tabs for open counts.
    • properly handling kits.
  • Close Count was not updating the last count date for kits and serialized kit contents.
  • Consumable Average Cost and Last Cost were incorrectly calculated when the resulting quantity on hand from either an inventory adjustment or inventory receipt was negative or 0.
  • Better handling of images.
  • Transfer and Pick Transfer Request were not properly updating the stocking point quantities when items not recorded as being in the From Location were transferred.

See also:

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