Enabling Scheduled Reports - On-Premise only

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

For On-Premise installations only, the ability to send scheduled reports must be enabled for your organization.

The ScheduledReports block of code in the appsettings.json file controls whether reports can be scheduled and how often. The appsettings.json file is found on the application server in the installation path. The default values are shown below.

If you updated from a version previous to 6.2022.10.27 using the Installer, the ScheduledReports block has already been added to the appsettings.json file with the default values. If you updated from a version previous to 6.2022.10.27 using the Patch, the ScheduledReports block must be added to the appsettings.json manually.

"ScheduledReports": {

"RunService": true,

"IntervalInMinutes": 120,

"Process": true




Set to true to enable scheduled reports.

  • true - scheduled reports timer service will launch. Every IntervalInMinutes the value for Process is read. If Process = true, the databases are polled then any scheduled reports are queued and sent.
  • false - scheduled reports timer service will not run and schedule reports reports will not be sent.
Both RunService and Process must be set to true to enable scheduled reports.


The IntervalInMinutes is the frequency with which the RunService will poll for reports to place in the queue to send. To poll for scheduled reports to queue more frequently, use a smaller number.

Default value is 5. Integer values of 1 or greater.


Set to true to enable scheduled reports.

  • true - every IntervalInMinutes after startup the databases are polled, then scheduled reports queued and sent.
  • false - databases will not be polled for reports to queue and scheduled reports will not be sent.
Both RunService and Process must be set to true to enable scheduled reports.

If you are using a shared SQL Server and wish to restricted the databases polled, see Configuring the Scheduled Reports Database List - On-Premise only.

. ​​See also:

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