General tab for Serialized Items

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

This tab is the default view for the Serialized Items page and contains the basic identifying information for a serialized item.

Fields on this tab include:

Serial Number

Enter the serial number of up to 100 characters.


Select a department from the list.


Enter where the item is stored within each stocking point in this text field. Examples include Cabinet 1, R2S5, SeaCan 4 and Laydown Yard.


The manufacturer can be inherited from the part number or select a manufacturer from the list.


Enter the model of up to 100 characters.

Manufactured Date

Enter the date of manufacture for the item.


Select the country of origin from the drop down list.

User Field 1

Enter any supplementary information of up to 60 characters.

User Field 2

Enter any supplementary information of up to 50 characters.

User Field 3

Enter any supplementary information of up to 50 characters.


Select a condition from the drop down list.

Current Entity

Displays the current location (entity ID or stocking point) of the serialized item. When an item is first created, this will contain the stocking point.

Last Issued Date

Displays the last issue date of the serialized item.

Previous Entity

Displays the previous location (entity ID or stocking point) of the serialized item.

Last Count Date

Displays the last count date of the serialized item.

Revenue To Date

System-generated value. This contains the pooled charges revenue accrued from both the Transaction Rental and Transfer Rental modules if one or both are in use.

Last Seen

Displays the date / time the item's GPS coordinate was last recorded and the Source of the GPS coordinate using either

A map pin is displayed. Clicking the pin opens a map to display the map location and coordinates.

Also on this page:

See also:

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