Items Received tab for Inventory Receipts

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

This section shows the details of the items that are received through Receive Inventory. This tab can be used to edit details that are not automatically populated by a purchase order or add attachments.

 Fields on this tab include:

Part Number

Displays the part number for the item ID received.


Displays the description of the part number.

Item ID

Displays the item ID received.

  • For non-serialized inventory, this will be the item ID associated iwth the part number.
  • For serialized inventory, this will be the item ID of each tool or piece of equipment received.

Received Qty

Displays the total quantity received in purchase units. For serialized items, this is 1.


Displays the purchase unit cost of item(s) received.


Displays the extended cost for the row calculated as Received Qty x Cost.

Return Code

Displays the reason from a list of return codes for rejecting the inventory.

Inventory Status

Displays the inventory status for serialized inventory.

Serial number

Displays serial number of the Inventory item.

Purchase Unit

Displays the purchase unit of measure.

Issue Unit

Displays the issue unit of measure from the part number.

Conversion Factor

Displays the number of issue units per purchase unit.

Rental Contract No

Enter the rental or lease contract number for the rental lease item.

Rental End Date

Enter the end date of the rental period, if applicable.

Rental Period

Select the rental period from the list, if applicable. Note this will not calculate rental cost to you.


Specify if this item is being rented from a third party. If this is selected, Capital Lease cannot be selected.


Specify if this item is a capital lease. If this is selected, Third Party Rental cannot be selected.

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