What does "Number of allowed ... has been exceeded" mean?

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

All of the error messages below are related to the ToolHound license that unlock the subscription features for your organization.

  • Number of allowed Part Nos has been exceeded
  • Number of allowed Inventory Items has been exceeded
  • Number of allowed Personnel has been exceeded
  • Number of allowed Employers has been exceeded
  • Number of allowed Stocking Points has been exceeded
  • Number of allowed Users has been exceeded

Possible causes include

  • A caching problem is preventing your browser from seeing the license file.
    This can happen occasionally for one or two users in the organization. For each user having the problem, clear the cache of the browser then shut down the computer choosing to power off. Restart the computer and log into ToolHound. Attempt the task that displayed the error.
  • Your ToolHound license has not been applied.
    This can happen with new On Premise installations. Check in with your ToolHound administrator to see if the the license file sent to your organization by email was applied through the browser according to the instructions in the email. License files are named [your_company].lic where your_company either matches your organization name or the company alias used to log in.

If the two solutions above do not resolve the problem, email Support and include the number of users affected, the steps you have taken, and a screenshot of the License Information page.

See also:

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