About Menu Captions

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Menu Captions is used to customize the labels appearing on the collapsible menu on the left hand side of the window in the browser and the menu for TH6 Mobile. In both cases, menu groups and menu options can be tailored to the terminology used by your organization. Menu options are also the page name. These changes apply to the entire database.

Menu captions can be viewed or edited for each language available for your organization by selecting the Language from the dropdown list.

This feature can be used in addition to editing individual field labels by double-clicking them.

If you change a menu caption to something quite different than the original Description, be sure to have the original Description available if you need to contact Support. This will help Support provide a prompt response.
A user having a role with Edit Labels selected but without permissions for Menu Captions will be able to edit field captions but not menu or menu option (page) captions.

See also:

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