Reporting a Bug

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Use this page to submit bug reports to the Support department at ToolHound.  A copy of the email will be sent to the email address supplied.

  1. Click on the right side of the top banner.
  2. In the pop-up window, the Name of the currently logged in user and the Email will be populated. These values can be overridden.
  3. Enter the Company.
  4. Enter the Bug Description . Be sure to include
  • the text of any error message
  • the page where the bug occurred
  • the task or action you were performing when it occurred
  • the steps to reproduce the bug
  1. Click to add any attachment, such as screenshots or spreadsheets, if helpful.
  2. Click to send the email.
To redirect bug reports to an internal Help Desk or IT department, enter the Internal Support Email in the Settings.
For On Premise installations, the email settings must be configured. For Cloud subscribers, this is pre-configured.

See also:

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