Preparing to Import Data

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

It can take significant time to assemble the information to be imported when first setting up a new ToolHound system depending on the resources available to you.

  • Leverage all available sources of information available to you such as previous purchasing history or vendor catalogs, existing legacy inventory tracking systems, and Security or address book employee lists.
  • When assembling inventory information, consider the number of people and hours available to dedicate to the effort.
  • The more information that can be added through imports at the beginning, the better value your system will deliver in the long run. And it's easier than adding information manually down the road.

At any stage of a ToolHound system, there is a precedence or order to information being imported. The cross-referenced data must exist in the system before importing the next type of data that references it.  For example,

  • Employers must be either imported or added manually before importing the Personnel template since the Employer is a required field for an employee record.  
  • Part numbers must be either imported or added manually before importing the Serialized Items template since the part number is a required field for unique inventory.​​

Preparing data to import is a two-step process: downloading the sample templates and completing the templates with the data to be imported.  

Watch this video for tips and a walkthrough of importing data.

See also:

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