Replenishing Consumables in a Kit

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

When a serialized kit is returned, it is expected that any consumables issued with the kit did not come back. These consumables must be restocked in preparation for the next time the kit is issued.

  1. Click Inventory on the left side menu, then click Serialized Items.
  2. Lookup the the kit.
  3. Click the Kit Contents tab. Use the the Required Qty and Balance to determine how many of each consumable item ID are needed.
  4. Enter the Quantity being restocked for the consumable item. The Balance is recalculated as each Quantity is updated.
  5. Repeat the previous step for each consumable item ID being replenished.
  6. Click on the edit toolbar to complete the process.

Only items that are In Stock and with a sufficient quantity on hand in the chosen stocking location may be added to a kit. Items with an insufficient quantity on hand can be added as a requirement but not added to the kit.

See also:

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