Navigating on TH6 Mobile

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The Menu is available on the Home screen by tapping and gives access to general application information and settings. Icons include:

Home - Returns to the Home screen

Select Stocking Point - Change the current stocking location

Settings - Change Server and/or Company Alias

About - View local data about the mobile app as well as the version number

Change Password - Change the password for current user

Log Out - Log out of the mobile app.

With each screen of the application, different icons are available:

Scan - Tap to scan a barcode or RFID tag (if phone is connected to an RFID reader)

Search - Tap to search for information to populate the selected field

Sign - Tap to add an electronic signature for the selected transaction

Delete - Tap to delete the selected record or row in a grid

Save - Tap to save or process the selected record

Return - Tap to return to the previous screen.

Add - Tap to create a new record such as requisition or meter reading

See also:

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