Receiving Inventory without a Purchase Order

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

  1. Click Purchasing in the left side menu bar and click Receive Inventory.
  2. Click  in the edit tool bar to add a new record.
  3. Select the Stocking Location and Vendor
    1. Optionally, add the Invoice Number and Notes.
    2. If required, change the date of the receipt by deselecting Use Current Date & Time.
  4. Click the Items to Receive tab.
  5. For each Part Number to receive,
    1. Specify the Part Number using the lookup.
    2. Enter the Received Qty for non-serialized parts. For serialized parts, this will default to 1.
    3. Enter the Item ID and Inventory Status for serialized parts. Optionally add the Bin.
    4. Enter the Cost and Conversion Factor.
    5. Add any additional information.
    6. Click Receive. The item will be copied to the Items Received tab.
Continuing adding Item IDs and Inventory Statuses for serialized items until the quantity received have been added.
  1. Click the Items Received tab.  A grid is displayed containing all the items that were added to the list from the Items to Receive tab. Review the details of each Item ID to be received, making any required changes.
To  remove an item before it is received, select the part number and click to the top left.
  1. Click to process. A confirmation message shows the receipt number generated.

See also:

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