Charges tab for Work Orders

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The Charges ab is used to maintain all internal, external, and material costs for the work order.

The Labor section is used to maintain internal labor charges for the work order. The total of these charges will appear on the Completion tab. Labor charges can be added and removed until the work order is closed. The grid has columns for the Full Name of the personnel who completed the work, the number of Hours, the hourly Rate, a calculated Total for the row, and a Charge Date.

The Vendors section is used to maintain charges from external vendors for the work order. The total of these charges will appear on the Completion tab. External charges can be added and removed until the work order is closed. The grid has columns for the Vendor who completed the work, a Reference number for a document or invoice, a Total, and a Charge Date.

The Material section lists materials that were issued referencing the work order. This grid is read only and data is collected from issue transactions for the work order. The grid has columns for the Part No, Description of the part number, Qty issued, Unit Cost, and Total Cost.

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