Adding Renters to a Transaction Rate Sheet

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Use this process to determine who will be charged rent.

  • Add an employer to a rate sheet to ensure that employer will be charged rent for all issues to their personnel for all parts on the rate sheet.
  • Add a non-stocking location to ensure that the project will be charged rent for all issues for parts on the rate sheet.

Prior to assigning employers or non-stocking locations to a rate sheet, first look up the rate sheet under Transaction Rental > Transaction Rate Sheets.

To add an Employer to a Rate Sheet:
  1. Click the Employers tab on the Transaction Rate Sheet.
  2. Select combination of the Employer to bill to and the stocking location in the Billing Location. Click to copy the combination to the grid below. Charge Rent is select by default. If this is not checked, no charges will accumulate for transactions.
  3. Select the Rate Sheet from the list. Only rate sheets which are active and visible to the billing location will be displayed.
  4. If applicable, enter the Discount, indicate Maximum Rent, and enter a Maximum Rent Discount.
  5. Click to save the changes.
To add Project or non-stocking Location to a Rate Sheet:
  1. Click on the Locations tab on the Transaction Rate Sheet.
  2. Select combination of the non-stocking Location where the tools will be checked out to and the stocking location in the Billing Location. Click to copy the combination to the grid below. Charge Rent is select by default. If this is not checked, no charges will accumulate for transactions.
  3. Select the Rate Sheet from the list.  Only rate sheets which are active and visible to the billing location will be displayed.
  4. If applicable, enter the Discount, indicate Maximum Rent, and enter a Maximum Rent Discount.
  5. Click to save the changes.

See also:

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