About Transaction On Rent

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Transaction On Rent is used to view the details of item IDs rented on a transaction

  • currently rented whether they are paused, idle, or actively on rent
  • sales of consumables
  • item rentals which have ended because the item was returned or written off.

The left side includes details of the transaction that triggered he rental. Each change in rental status and partial billing of accrued charges along with the date and time it took effect is shown in the grid to the right. If any charge was created with that status change or partial billing , click to open the details of the charge in a new tab. Multiple charges are possible for the entire length of the rental.

To change the rental status of all inventory on rent to a stocking location, see About Status Change - Transaction Rental
Watch this video for an overview of using the Transaction Rental module, covering the related data, components, and actions and how they fit together transparently on day-to-day transactions, and how to complete a billing cycle.

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On Rent

Fields on this screen include:

Billing Location

Displays the billing location charging the rent.

Renting Entity

Displays the Entity ID and Name for the entity currently renting the item.

Item ID

Displays the item being rented or that was sold.

Part Number

Displays the part number of the item being rented.


Displays the description of the item being rented.

Transaction No

Displays the originating transaction number and is hyperlinked to the transaction. The transaction includes the Transaction Rate Sheet used to determine the charges.

Billing Date

Displays the start date on the originating transaction.

Last Billing Date

Displays the last billing date for the rental. In the case of a non-stock or consumable part, this will be the same as the Billing Date as charges for sales are applied immediately on the Billing Date.

Issued Qty

Displays the quantity of the item on the original transaction.

On Rent Qty

Displays the quantity of the item still outstanding.


Displays the job to charge rent to.

Sub Job

Displays the sub job to charge rent to.

Cost Code

Displays the cost code to charge rent to.


Displays any reference entered on the originating transaction.

Work Order No

Displays the work order number on the originating transaction..

Total Rent

Displays the total rent charged to date.

Currency Name

Displays the currency.

Rental Details fields include:

Rental Status Date

Displays fields for the date and time of the status change.

Rental Status

Displays the status.

Item ID

Displays the item ID for an Exchanged status, the replacement item rented in exchange. For exchanges, the original item rented is returned and the new replacement item is issued. This information is also linked on the original transaction's Exchanges tab.

Created User

Displays the name of user who generated or modified status.

Click to display the details of this Transaction Rental Charge.

See also:

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