What does Visibility mean?

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The Visibility is a location in your location hierarchy. In most cases, it is the top of your location hierarchy.

Visibility can be thought of as an umbrella that determines the scope, or range, of data available. This applies to what inventory is visible to a user, the stocking points where personnel can check out inventory, which vendors can be used for a stocking point, and in nearly every other area of ToolHound.

In organizations with a single tool crib or warehouse, a non-stocking location is created at the top to represent your organization and a stocking location beneath it (with the parent set to the non-stocking location) to represent a single tool crib or warehouse. In this case, the Visibility would always be the non-stocking location. This would apply to part numbers, employers, personnel, vendors, roles, users, and any other place where the Visibility is required. Serialized items or quantities for bulk or consumable inventory, and any issues and returns would take place in the stocking point.

In organizations with multiple stocking locations the Visibility is likely still the top of the location hierarchy unless there is a reason to limit access. For example, Tool Crib A and B are on a job site in a region of the country which are all defined as locations.  The job site is above the tool cribs in the hierarchy and the region of the country encompasses one or more job sites. Personnel granted the visibility for the location Tool Crib A will not be able to access inventory in Tool Crib B but personnel given visibility for the job site will be able to access inventory in either crib.

Entities that are non-stocking locations can only see what is directly above them. If a non-stocking location is under a stocking point in an organization where there are multiple stocking points under a single parent, that non-stocking location will only ever be able to access the stocking point directly above it. It will not be able to access stocking points in a different branch.

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