About Scheduled Reports

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Scheduled Reports is accessible under Reporting to view and maintain previously scheduled report definitions, distribution lists, and frequency as well as manually run a scheduled report.

To run the selected report immediately, click . This will not affect the schedule.

To schedule a report, start from the report. Configure the report with the desired filters, parameters, and email recipients, before queueing the report. See About Scheduling Reports for details.
See this video on scheduling reports, modifying scheduled reports, and troubleshooting.


The name of the standard system report or customized duplicated report and report title. If this is changed, the report title and file name of the attachment sent according to the schedule will also be changed.

This report name is included in the email with the report attachment.

Time Zone

The system time zone or selected time zone.


Whether or not the report schedule is active. Active by default.

Last Queue Date

The date the report was last in the queue to be emailed.

Times Queued

The number of times the report was queued to be emailed.


A longer description of the report separate from the Name. This is for reference only and not included with the email.

Next Queue Date

The next time the report will be queued to be emailed.


The number of times the report remains to be queued if a number of occurrences has been specified.


This tab displays the configured frequency for the report schedule.


The report is generated only once at the Start Date and Start Time defined on the Range tab.


Select Every _ days(s) or Every Weekday


Enter a number for Recur every _ week(s) and on which days of the week.


Enter a number for Recur every _ month(s) then select either on the [day of month] or [_th] [day of the week]


Enter a number Recur every _ year(s) and select the [Month] then select either on the [day of month] or [_th] [day of the week]


This tab displays the duration for which the report is scheduled.

End by

Select a date using the calendar.

End after _ occurrences

Enter a number of occurrences, or times, to email the report.

No end date

This report will run forever until the scheduled report is either made inactive or deleted.


Attachment File Type

Either PDF or Excel. Default is PDF.


The default is "ToolHound - " followed by the report Name but can be altered.


Notes or comments that are included in the body of the email each time the report is emailed.

User List

The User List contains a list of system users with email addresses to whom the report is sent.

Click Add User to add additional users.

Recipient List

The Recipient List contains email addresses to whom the report is sent.

Click Add Recipient to add additional email addresses to this list.


This tab displays all past executions of the report.

Run Date

The date and time shown in the specified Time Zone that the report was sent.

Queue Date

The date and time shown in the specified Time Zone that the report was placed into the queue to be sent.


A comment on the result of the report. The most common messages are "Successful Run" or "No Data".

"Manual Run" indicates the report run was not part of the schedule.

In the event the the report could not be sent, an error or exception message contains the reason.


This tab contains two sections: Parameters / Filters and Values. Each section displays the SQL parameters used with the report that originated as Filters or Advanced Filters when the report was queued. The contents of this tab are not editable.


This tab displays the standard audit information for the creation and last update of data visible across the bottom of all other pages. Fields include Created By, Date Created, Imported, Last Modified By and Date Last Modified.

See also:

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