Configuring Email - On Premise only

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

For ToolHound On Premise only, the email settings must be configured to enable the automatic sending of emails from within the ToolHound browser. This is used to email reports, contact ToolHound Support, and send any notifications configured by the users. This must be a valid email address within your organization that can send email via SMTP but it does not have to be monitored.

For ToolHound Cloud subscribers, this is already done by ToolHound.

There are two methods of configuring the email settings:

  • Editing the EmailSettings block of the appsettings.json file in the installation path on the application server.
  • Entering the email parameters in the browser under Utilities > Settings.

If email settings have been added to both the appsettings.json file and the Settings, the Settings take precedence.

EmailSettings in appsettings.json

This is the preferred method of configuring the email settings as it cannot be accidentally overridden by an end user in the browser. The default EmailSettings block is shown below.

"EmailSettings": {

"SMTPServer": "",

"SMTPPort": 0,

"SenderName": "",

"SenderEmail": "",

"EmailPassword": "",

"EnableSSL": false,


When SSL is checked in the setup, the connection to the server is set to StartTlsWhenAvailable which uses TLS if the server supports the StartTLS extension.

See also:

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