Stop Rent or Pause Rent

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

To stop rent, pause rent, or end rent for issued items when using the Transaction Rental module

  • Return the inventory. When inventory is returned, the rental ends automatically.
  • Pause the rent for a single item on the Transaction On Rent page.
  • Pause the rent for a group of items rented to an entity, employer, or on a specific transaction number using Status Change for Transaction Rental.

To stop rent, pause rent, or end rent for transferred items when using the Transfer Rental module

  • Transfer the inventory back to the stocking point from which it was rented. When inventory is returned, the rental ends automatically.
  • Pause the rent for a single item on the Transfer On Rent page.
  • Pause the rent for a group of items rented to a specific stocking location or transfer number using Status Change for Transfer Rental.

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