What is Project Cost?

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The Project Cost field, is available for Part Numbers on both the General tab and Stocking Points tab. This currency field has a fixed value. It is independent of all functions in ToolHound. It is not controlled, updated, or managed by any function in ToolHound. Project Cost does not change unless edited.

Project Cost can be used as an outward-facing cost to a project rather than an internal cost to the organization or a representative replacement cost (versus an actual cost paid to purchase the item). It can be updated manually or the Mix Max import template (found under Inventory on the Import Data page) can be used to update the value for each stocking point.

Unlike Last Cost and Average Cost for part numbers or Unit Cost for items, Project Cost does not appear on any reports. If you wish to see Project Cost on reports instead of (or as well as) other costs, make a duplicate of the report and click to select Project Cost in the Inventory block on the Columns tab.

Project Cost is visible to all users, including those who do not have the Access Actual Cost flag.

See also:

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