Adding Part Numbers to a Transaction Rate Sheet

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Updating a transaction rate sheet with additional or new part numbers can be done one at a time or all at once.

To add a single part number to the rate sheet:
  1. If the rate sheet is not already displayed, look up the rate sheet to update under Transaction Rental > Transaction Rate Sheets.
  2. Select the part number to add in the Add Detail box using one of the methods below. The part number will be transferred to the grid.
  • Typing the part number and press Tab.
  • Clicking to search for the part number. Enter the search text in the Search box in the upper right corner of the pop-up window the double-click the part number to select it.
  1. Enter the applicable rates for the part number.
  2. Click to save the Rate Sheet.

To add all parts not already on the rate sheet:
  1. If the rate sheet is not already displayed, look up the rate sheet to update under Transaction Rental > Transaction Rate Sheets.
  2. Click to add all Part Numbers from the chosen location at one time. A confirmation message will display the number of part numbers that will be added to the rate sheet.
  3. Click Yes to confirm and save the additional part numbers to the rate sheet or No to cancel the operation.
The rate sheet is saved at this point. If you will not be adding the rates immediately, the task is complete.
  1. Enter the Rates.
  2. Click to save the rates on the Rate Sheet.

See also:

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