General tab for Inventory Receipts

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

This is the default tab.  It displays the identifying information for the receipt and any associated purchase order.  Use this tab to find or look up an inventory receipt.

This tab consists of the following fields:

Receipt No.

Displays the receipt number of the inventory received. Receipt numbers are automatically generated when new records are saved according to the document numbers definition for the item's location.

Purchase Order No.

Displays the purchase order number if applicable. Hyperlinks to the originating purchase order.

Stocking Location

Displays the location where the inventory was received.  


Displays the vendor from the associated PO or a manually selected vendor when the items were received directly into inventory.

Received Date

Displays the date the inventory was received.

Received Time

Displays the time the inventory was received.

Invoice Number

Displays the  invoice number if entered when the inventory was received. This can be edited if required.


Displays notes for the received inventory. This can be edited if required.

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