Adding a New Dashboard

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

This feature is in BETA. Development is ongoing. Report any issues to the Support team.

When new dashboards are created, every role is automatically granted permission. Each KPI on the dashboard is dependent on whether any of the base reports are available to the role.

  1. Click Reporting > Dashboard.
  2. Click to open the Configure Dashboard page.
  3. Click to add a new dashboard. The Max Columns will be set to 3. This is not editable.
  4. Enter the minimum required information to identify the new dashboard.
    1. Enter the Name to describe the contents of the dashboard.
    2. Select the Visibility for the data to be included on the dashboard.
    3. Enter the Max Rows for the dashboard. The content section of the dashboard will be displayed with panels in 3 columns for the number of rows you selected. This shows the approximate size of the dashboard.
  5. Define each KPI panel to appear on the dashboard.
    1. Select the KPI from the list.
    There are two groups of KPIs: Predefined KPIs and Report Queries. Selecting a KPI from the Report Queries group in the list will display additional fields to be completed in the panel.
    1. Select the Chart Type to represent the data. Available options are Bar (data is displayed in horizontal values), Column (data is displayed in vertical values), Line (data is displayed as points connected by a line), Number (a number representation) and Pie (data is displayed in wedges of a circle).
    2. Optionally add a custom Caption to display in the panel.
    3. Optionally modify the size of the panel within the dashboard by changing the Size (Row by Col.) values. Changing this will impact other panels on the dashboard. The total columns for each panel in the row cannot exceed 3. The total rows for each panel in a column cannot exceed the Max Rows defined for the dashboard.
    4. Add the definition for KPIs from the report query group, if applicable.
      1. Define the X Axis.
        1. Select the X Axis (Aggregate). For Bar chart types, this must be a field containing numeric data.
        2. Select the Aggregate for numeric values if applicable. Options are Count, Sum, Minimum, Maximum, and Average.
      2. Define the Y Axis.
        1. Select the Y Axis (Aggregate). For Column, Line, and Pie chart types, this must be a field containing numeric data.
        2. Select the Aggregate for numeric values if applicable. Options are Count, Sum, Minimum, Maximum, and Average.
  6. Click  to save the dashboard.

To view the new dashboard, select the Dashboard tab. It should be displayed automatically.

See also:

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