General tab for Pick Requisitions

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

This is the default tab containing the general identifying information for the requisition to be picked.

Fields on this tab include:

Requisition No.

The Requisition Number created by the system.

Requested From

Stocking location of item(s) to be picked.

Requested By

The Entity that requested the items.

Date Required

Chosen date for the requisition to be filled.


Any reference that was added to the transaction.

Expected Return Date

The expected date the item(s) will be returned, if entered.


The Job associated with the item(s), if entered.

Sub Job

The Sub Job associated with the item(s), if entered.

Cost Code

The Cost Code associated with the item(s), if entered.

Work Order No.

The Work Order associated with the item(s), if entered.

Created By

The user picking the requisition.


If this box is checked these items will be reserved for the specific date.

Shipping Instructions

Any shipping instructions included with the requisition. Read-only


Any notes included with the requisition. Read-only

Transaction Notes

Any notes to be added to the transaction that will generated by picking the requisition.

See also:

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