About Transfer Rate Sheets

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Transfer Rate Sheet defines the parameters, or terms, and set of rental rates and selling prices for some or all part numbers. Each rate sheet can be assigned to stocking locations and rentals will be triggered automatically for transfers.

Part numbers flagged as kits are not permitted on rate sheets for either Transaction Rental or Transfer Rental to avoid duplication of charges as kit component part numbers are already on the rate sheets.
Non stock parts are not permitted on rates sheets for Transfer Rental as non stock inventory cannot be transferred.

General identifying information and parameters for a transfer rate sheet include

Transfer Rate Sheet

This is the name of the rate sheet. It must be unique.


The visibility to be used for this rate sheet. All stocking points charging rent (billing locations) and all destination stocking points (renting locations) must be under this visibility.

Rental Period

The period of time for which these rates apply. This must already exist.


Turn the rate sheet on or off. Rate sheets are active by default.

Best practice is to confirm there are no items currently on rent before setting a rate sheet to inactive.

Round Up To Full Period

Select this option to round charges up to the full rental period set on the rate sheet. If not selected, periods will be calculated as portions of the rental period in decimal values.

Example: if a rental period is defined as a Month and an item has been transferred for 14 days, it will be charged for 0.5 of a Month if this option is not selected. If selected, the item will be charge the rate for an entire Month.


This will default to the Currency set in the Setting Options.

Details tab

Add Detail

Used to add a new part number to add to the rate sheet

Part Number

The part number of the inventory for which rent is being charged


The read-only description of the part number

Rental Rate

The decimal value of the rate being charged for the period in the rate sheet header.

Idle Rate

The decimal value of the idle rate being charged for the period in the rate sheet header.

Minimum Charge

Enter the minimum rental charge to be applied even when the item is returned immediately.

Maximum Charge

Enter the maximum total rental charge. This amount will not be exceeded regardless of the duration of the rental.

Selling Price

Enter the amount to charge for consumable sales.


Click to prevent Update Rates from overwriting the rates for this part number.

Average Cost

This read-only value from the Part Number is included as a reference to assist in determining rates manually or when using Update Rates for mass changes.

Locations tab

Location Name

Enter or select the renting stocking point to be transferred to the grid below.

Billing Location

Enter or select the stocking point charging rent to be transferred ot the grid below.

Click to transfer the combination of renting Location Name and Billing Location to the grid below.

Charge Rent

Indicates that transfers with the combination of renting location and billing location will be used to determine rent.


Enter the percentage value to be discounted off the standard rental rate for this stocking location.

Related Reports
Transfer Rate Sheet

See also:

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